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South Africa - Lesotho - Swaziland: Homosexuality and Gender Variant Related Resources on the Intenet.
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In so doing, it aims to galvanise action to prevent prison rape and all forms of rape. She was testifying on claims by former inmate Louis Karp, who claims to have been raped and abused while awaiting trial for car theft in the Pretoria local prison in and Earlier on Tuesday, prison doctor Kobeli Khomari admitted that measures to deal with rape among inmates were inadequate, even though the phenomenon was "very common". Khomari also conceded that rape claims very rarely reached court and said rape victims were not referred for psychological help as a matter of course She agreed with Barlow that "trauma upon trauma" was heaped on Karp, and that this was largely a result of a lack of understanding of male rape Boy, 15, 'sold' for jail rape Members of Parliament's correctional services committee were reacting to a report from the Centre for the Study of Violence and Reconciliation.

The centre's Sasha Gear told them yesterday that it had been difficult to get the Department of Correctional Services to give the matter the attention it deserved. The most notable of these crimes against lesbian women is corrective rape. Unfortunately, support groups report that corrective rape is on the rise in South African townships.. Mieses A African women face a new epidemic, one that threatens their lives and creates additional barriers to HIV prevention.

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South African lesbians and other women who have sex with women WSW challenge dominant South African ideas about gender identity. Some WSW are sexually and brutally punished by local men for being gay and violating traditional gender presentation. South African officials rarely declare these crimes as hate crimes, despite the fact that the victims are targeted for being WSW. In July , two women were found in a Johannesburg township after being gang-raped, tortured, tied with their underwear and shot execution-style in the head Krause, Kristina Being a Lesbian in South Africa.

Word Download. Black women are the most underprivileged group in South Africa and when the title of lesbian is added, their status drops even further. For outsiders, a black lesbian woman has become something deeply offensive. Her homosexuality all at once, puts her against South African culture, religion, blackness, womanhood and her family.

Klein, Thamar Intersex and transgender activism in South Africa. Instead they still face a vast array of obstacles, phobias, discrimination, and hate crimes. However the constitution and the progressive laws provide a legal basis from which they can fight for their rights. But same-sex relationships remain difficult terrain for media in South Africa. Participants completed a questionnaire and provided finger-prick blood specimens for anonymous HIV testing in a laboratory. Participants had a median age of 22 years and were predominantly black Africans The HIV prevalence was HIV infection was associated with gay identification adjusted odds ratio [aOR], 8.

Factors in the previous year that were associated with HIV infection included receptive unprotected anal intercourse aOR 4. The aims of the proposed study are 1 to assess the prevalence of HIV among African MSM living in South African townships and identify which behavioral, psychosocial, and network characteristics distinguish infected MSM from non-infected MSM; 2 to identify the structural and psychosocial correlates of sexual risk behavior in these men, with a particular focus on the role of alcohol use; and 3 to describe the social organization of same-sex sexual practices of these men and identify structural and psychosocial factors that affect how these practices are experienced.

To accomplish these aims, the proposed study combines HIV testing, a survey, and ethnography. Whilst 36 of the 92 MSM indicated that they had unprotected vaginal sex more than once in the previous 3 months with partners who were unaware of their HIV positive status. Non-governmental organizations and activists have cautioned that this is a high-risk group and its continued marginalization in national AIDS programmes poses a threat to making real progress in addressing AIDS.

AIDS and Behavior, 15 3 : PubMed Abstract. Using respondent driven sampling RDS recruitment methods, we recruited MSM including 15 seeds over 30 weeks in All results were adjusted for RDS sampling design. Overall HIV prevalence was estimated at Lane T, et al This must include the development of specific strategies to encourage HIV prevention among bisexual and straight-identified men as well as among gay-identified men.

Livingston L, et al.

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The NA was a first step in exploring determinants of casual sexual risk-taking among White resourced gay men in Tshwane. Three broad areas were explored, i. Without a strong sense of community, they appear apathetic and disinterested in taking responsibility for their own sexual health and well-being. Casual sex seems to be occurring in a context where anal sex is a preference, where motivating and de-motivating factors are mediated by the type of venue, the time of day, the codes given and the substance used, where there is no regular testing and no one knows their recent status, where there is no condom use in steady relationships and inconsistent condom use in casual encounters, where there is no negotiated safety in steady relationships and casual encounters, and where monogamy is claimed but not carried out and secrecy surrounds the most recent casual encounter.

An intervention is needed to deal with the developing problem.

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Tucker, Andrew Framing exclusion in Cape Town's gay village: the discursive and material perpetration of inequitable queer subjects. Area, 41 2 : Despite growing interest surrounding South Africa's new liberal queer agenda, issues of contemporary exclusion among queer groups as a direct result of race and racism have remained relatively unexplored.

These subjects will be shown to simultaneously draw on historical inequalities while also re-imagining them in contemporary settings to re-inscribe perceptions of classed and gendered difference. The creation of such inequitable subjects helps us understand how exclusion can become real and normalised within a space such as Cape Town's gay village in a way that draws on a history of material inequalities and discursive perceptions of race. Black like me? Gay hairstyling and the paradox of modernity in South Africa Dissertation : The starting point for this research project is hairstyling and "hair saloons".

Hairstyles are an important marker of cultural identity and hair saloons frequently provide safe social spaces for gay men as well as a significant point of interaction with broader communities. Hair saloons are thus sites where same-sex identities can be developed and expressed as well as negotiated with the outside world.

South Africa: Sexual Minority Resources - Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, MSM, Homo-Sex

In the South African public imaginary, gay lifestyles are associated with "modernity", a term which has both negative and positive connotations. This is particularly apparent in the ambiguous response to hairstylists, as a source of what is both desirable and regrettable about "modernity". This research will explore the articulation between "modernity" and contemporary same-sex identities in South Africa. The nature of rural and urban, traditional and modern, will be explored through a network of stylists and their associates who live and work outside of the metropole, in the urban peripheries, small towns and rural areas of South Africa's Mpumalanga province.

Currier, Ashley McAllister I engaged in intensive, continuous ethnographic observation of four Namibian and South African LGBT social movement organizations for approximately hours and analyzed my ethnographic fieldnotes. South African Gay and Lesbian Pride formerly Lesbian and Gay Pride - a more inclusive and less marginalizing title is now firmly following the model set by Prides worldwide It is a far cry from the foundation of the Pride phenomenon in South Africa, now in its 14th year.

LGBT rights in South Africa

There was a time - and Yusoof Abdullah, co-organiser of the Pride event this year is keen to remind people of his connection to those initial Pride marches - when Pride meant something Well there is a good reason why some political sentiments need to be injected back into the Pride event - our most public expression of pride in ourselves and our community. Just because it says so in the constitution doesn't mean that people don't discriminate against lesbian and gay people and that homophobia is not still rife in South Africa Few lesbian or gay people in the world have not heard of Matthew Shepard; a victim of a violent and brutal homophobic attack that led to his death hanging from a fence in the USA.

But we have our own Matthew Shepards - we are just less willing to learn their names and honour their suffering with action I have never missed a year. I even helped to organise one in South Africa in My commitment to the need for Pride and its meaning is total - so why was this the first year of my adult life that I couldn't march?

Am I getting old? And why should that be such a sin in the gay world? No, none of this, I just could not find anything there to be proud of.

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Data was derived from an ethnographic study, used as the appropriate methodology because of the veiled and secret nature of same-sexuality amongst traditional healers Sangomas construction of identity and desire shifted between that of personal agency and that of a dominant male ancestor. This required constant negotiation and encompassed elements of both the 'modern' and 'traditional'. In the case of these sangomas, same-sexuality the basis of marginality assumes a social status and becomes a source of power.

Un Imagined Bodies and Identities : I come from South Africa, a country that suffers in its postcolonial phase, like all other African countries do, from the past and present afflictions of European colonization and American imperialism that has including a white minority regime until Like all imperialist and other formerly colonized countries, South Africa is also still embedded within European heteropatriarchal values and queerphobia.

I would also like to preface this paper with the argument that theorizing about the lack of queer content in the MA Documentary Media program is about more than a silence about queer sexuality. It is about a racialized heteronormativity as it is reproduced within Canadian academia and the larger Canadian mainstream society Arnott J, Crago A-L Sonnekus, Theo Invisible Queers: Investigating the 'other' Other in gay visual cultures. Master or Arts Dissertation, University of Pretoria.

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The disclosure of racist and selectively homophobic ideologies, which seem to inform gay visual representation, is therefore the chief concern of the dissertation.. Freeing South Africa: The "Modernization" of Male-Male Sexuality in Soweto : Although engaged in another research project, in my free time with friends like Paul, I thus stumbled onto a series of questions that began to perplex me: Who was Linda? In the letter quoted above, I had unproblematically identified Linda as "gay.

And if so, how did he come to see himself as so? And I quickly confronted questions of gender as well. Did Linda consider himself as male? And if so, had he always done so? As issues like these began to pose themselves, I soon realized that for black men in townships around Johannesburg, identifying as gay was both recent and tied up, in unexpectedly complex ways, with a much larger historical transformation: the end of apartheid and the creation of a modem nation; in a phrase, the "freeing" of South Africa Certainly, in Soweto in the s, hostels populated by rural men had become notorious sites for same-sex sexual relations.

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Township parents warned young sons not to go anywhere nearby, that they would be swept inside and smeared with Vaseline and raped see also Mathabane To urbanraised skesanas like Linda, however, these stories apparently only aroused phantasy and desire. Linda described a "marriage ceremony" in which she took part in one of the hostels, as follows Coetzee, Catherine Anne The development and evaluation of a programme to promote sensitive pscyhotherapeutic practice with gay men and lesbians.

PhD Dissertation, Rhodes University. Abstract and Download Page. Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered people are one such group that professional psychology — both in South Africa and abroad - has identified as having unique treatment needs for which psychologists require specialised knowledge and skills in order to render appropriate treatment. Competence to treat non-heterosexual patients has been framed in terms of a gay affirmative paradigm which has as its basic tenet the recognition that same-gender orientation is not pathological but rather a healthy alternative to heterosexuality.

To implement a gay affirmative approach in practice, practitioners must have resolved their possible prejudice and heterosexist bias and have the requisite knowledge of concerns unique to lesbian, gay, and bisexual LGB individuals to be able to apply their skills in a culturally sensitive manner. Uit in die kuberruim: enkele waardetoevoegings en uitdagings ten opsigte van Gay Litnet binne Suid-Afrikaanse konteks : This article investigates the nature, role and contribution of Gay Litnet as an electronic alternative for the publication of gay literature in South Africa.

CrossRef Google Scholar. Khumalo, B. Kimmel, M. The Politics of Manhood. Philadelphia: Temple University Press. Lemon, J. Lingard, B. Buckingham: Open University Press. Mama, A. Alexander and C. Mohanty eds. New York: Routledge. Maisel, C.